We support the 1.5°C target and are working diligently to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our company and throughout the supply chain. To achieve this, we meticulously track the emissions we generate and reduce them as much as possible using various measures. We offset the remaining emissions through climate protection projects certified under the Gold Standard.
According to the GHG Protocol, we categorize our greenhouse gas emissions as follows:
This includes emissions which are generated directly by the company and are therefore under its control.
These are indirect emissions from purchased energy generated outside the company but consumed by it.
Encompasses all indirect emissions occurring along the company’s value chain.
reduction of our emissions in scope 1 and 2
by 2030 (compared to 2018)
To achieve our reduction goal, we are implementing various measures including the
gradual replacement of combustion engines with electric vehicles
offering of remote work options
subsidization of public transportation tickets
priority of train travel over car or air travel for business trips
employee awareness campaigns (bike challenges)
transitioning to renewable energy sources
installation of thermostats in offices
waste separation and water conservation efforts
supporting of initiatives like Veganuary
digitalization of the office
paper reduction
As a member of the Sustainable Initiative Fruit and Vegetables (SIFAV), we have also committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our products. Our target is:
reduction of emissions from our key products
by 2026 (compared to 2022)
We have set this reduction target for bananas and blueberries, as these products accounted for more than half of our product volumes by weight in 2022.
We are continuously working with our producers and service providers to reduce CO2 emissions. Our reduction measures vary depending on the product and region and include the:
use of photovoltaic and solar energy
use of green electricity
utilization of biofuel in the maritime transport of our overseas containers
substitution of paper for plastic
For more information about our reduction projects, please visit our blog.
Since 2019, we have sold selected products as carbon-neutral. In 2022, these products accounted for 12 % of our total product volume by weight. To achieve this, we calculate the carbon footprint of the products, reduce emissions throughout the supply chain, and offset any remaining greenhouse gas emissions through certified carbon offset projects. Additionally, in 2019, we introduced BE CLIMATE, the first brand for carbon-neutral fruits and vegetables, in the European market. Learn more about carbon neutrality and BE CLIMATE.
To offset our CO2 emissions, we invest in two climate protection projects certified under the Gold Standard:
Two billion people in the world have no access to drinking water. Many families have no other option than to boil water over an open fire using the simplest of methods. This results in CO2 emissions and, depending on the region, the deforestation of increasingly larger areas. By repairing damaged wells and drilling additional boreholes, the project in Malawi ensures that the people regain access to clean drinking water. As a result, less firewood is needed for water purification, and CO2 emissions are avoided.
This project contributes to meeting Chile’s electricity demand by replacing energy from fossil fuels with renewable electricity. The park was commissioned in October 2010 and consists of two wind farms with a total of 57 wind turbines. As wind energy is generated without fossil fuels, its production is considered emission-free. The expansion of renewable energy generation is essential to slow down global warming and secure the world’s energy supply in the long term.
You can find more information about our climate protection commitment in our Climate Policy.