Port International GmbH
Lippeltstr. 1
20097 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 30 10 00 0
Email: info@port-international.com
Entered in the commercial register of Hamburg HRB 79272 (Hamburg District Court)
Sales tax ID no.: DE 217272471
Managing Director: Mike Port, Karlsson Port, Mathias Marten
All content on this website has been compiled to the best of our knowledge. We disclaim all liability for errors and reserve the right to make subsequent changes. Under no circumstances can we assume any form of liability. The fruit shown and the data published are no substitute for a binding, written offer preceding the conclusion of a sales contract.
Disclaimer: Although we check the content carefully, we can accept no liability for the content of external links. Responsibility for the content of linked websites lies solely with their operators.P
To improve readability, CO2 on this website always refers to CO2e (= CO2 equivalents)
We look forward to receiving your application!